If you own an agency ...
The Silent
“Her agency experience combined with access to other agency leaders makes her insight invaluable."
—Agency CEO
Confidential sounding board for growing agencies.
Running an agency is hard. Most up-and-coming agencies have owners and partners who wear multiple hats. Where should you focus? What should you charge? How do you keep work coming in the door? Do you have emerging talent with confidence issues? Are you a CEO that needs to bounce ideas off of someone before your plan is fully baked? Sometimes having a confidante in your corner can be helpful in deciding the right direction, to build confidence in decisions.
In thirty years, I’ve made a lot of people a lot of money. Let me share some of the things I’ve learned. I know what it’s like to hustle at a start-up, to manage-up at a global company and to migrate a creative-led boutique towards a profitable business model incorporating client service teams. I know what it’s like to be responsible for families and mortgages and not know where your next client is coming from. I know how to turn that pressure into motivation and inspired new thinking to create momentum.
Let me help you avoid some of the mistakes I’ve made and help you get back to doing what you do best. Honest perspective from a non-biased third party might be just what you need.
// Strategic Planning
// Rate Assessment & Negotiation
// Process Improvements
// Client Satisfaction Interviews
// Employee Satisfaction Surveys
// Talent Assessment & Staff
// Client Service Programs